Sunday, June 24, 2012

Test Post

How to Make Side-by-Side Posts in Minima on Blogger thumbnaillakfjlakjfaklllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Modify your Blogger Minima template to display blog posts side by side, as opposed to one continuous scroll. This requires making plenty of changes to the HTML blog template. Back up your template before making any HTML and CSS coding changes, and it's a good idea to use Notepad or another text editor to work on HTML before copying and pasting it into the Minima blog. Remember that each post column will be about 290 pixels wide, including margins.

Read more: How to Make Side-by-Side Posts in Minima on Blogger |

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Launching May 1st

We The Parents will officially launch its monthly column this May! How exciting. I've been researching topics of   priority for most parents, along with some that are just pure fun. I hope that you will find what we put together here both entertaining and informative. Get Ready!

Make it a Great One!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to "We The Parents," a parenting tips and confessions guide from your same trusted neighbor at If this guide proves to be insightful, resourceful, and downright comical at times, then I have truly served my purpose. Afterall parenting is one of those jobs that takes a village, and the villagers better have a sense of humor. And if they don't have a sense of humor they will self-destruct in 5-4-3...Boom! There is no perfect way to parent, just many trials and errors backed by research and/or common sense. So let's venture together, shall we, to a place of happy medians and kids and parents at their personal best. There's so much more in store for us all...

Make it a Great One!